
Let's try to create Power Automate connected to SQL Server for sending Leave Approval Email using Low code together.

Let's try to create Power Automate connected to SQL Server for sending Leave Approval Email using Low code together.

Hello everyone! I've been away for a long time from blogging due to various events that have kept me busy, making it challenging to find time for writing. In my latest article, I briefly introduced P

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Conditional Formatting (Fx) in PowerBI Custom Visual

Conditional Formatting (Fx) in PowerBI Custom Visual

👋 Hi Everyone 👋 During this time, I have a chance to implement the PowerBI Custom Visual with my team. And we spent a lot of time researching the conditional formatting (Fx) and we found many inter

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An Introduction to Microsoft's Power Automate

An Introduction to Microsoft's Power Automate

Today, we're introducing Microsoft's Power Automate, formerly known as Microsoft Flow. If you're familiar with Microsoft Power Platform services such as Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Power Apps, PowerBI,

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SharePoint Group & Permission levels in SharePoint Online

SharePoint Group & Permission levels in SharePoint Online

Hello everyone 👋 !!! This is the 1st time that I wrote the SharePoint Online blog in English. This blog explains permission levels in SharePoint Online. Once you create a new site in SharePoint Onli

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Speed up and make your SPFx reloads quick and easy with the SPFx-Fast-Serve tool.

Speed up and make your SPFx reloads quick and easy with the SPFx-Fast-Serve tool.

Hello everyone! I'm back! In the past period, I've been busy expanding my knowledge, reading some Microsoft Learning materials, trying out new things, and handling various tasks, which left me with l

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