
Let's check our site's accessibility easily using 'Accessibility Insights for Web' on Microsoft Edge.

Let's check our site's accessibility easily using 'Accessibility Insights for Web' on Microsoft Edge.

Hello to all the readers who have come across this article. Lately, I've been quite busy and it's taken me a while to find some free time to write on Medium. Today, I want to share some knowledge tha

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Customize the website to display using Tampermonkey

Customize the website to display using Tampermonkey

Many people may feel dissatisfied with certain websites when they browse them, for example:* Disliking intrusive banner advertisements that strain the eyes. * Wishing a website had specific feature

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Write Unit Tests for React Hooks using react-hooks-testing-library

Write Unit Tests for React Hooks using react-hooks-testing-library

Hooks in React are a feature that has drastically changed the way we write React. It's like undergoing plastic surgery in Korea, where some developers love the new look, while others prefer the old o

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Utilize WebAssembly in .NET

Utilize WebAssembly in .NET

We heard the WebAssembly quite a while ago but the use case, especially for .NET developers, was still limited. As of the time writing this post, in the last quarter of 2022, there are many new thing

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